Why Sororities Cut Legacies is as perplexing to the Potential New Member as it is to the alumna whose daughter is cut from *HER* house. This is never easy to navigate, but it is getting easier to understand.
If you read Pre-Rush Vocab 101, you already know that a legacy is a young woman who is direct descendant of an alumna in a specific sorority. Back in the day, being a legacy gave a Potential New Member (PNM) rested assurance that she would be offered a bid to her legacy house. And, back then, you were considered a legacy if your mama, grandmama, aunt or cousin was a sorority alumna. Being a legacy was like putting on your favorite pair of Jacks: always a good fit and lots of room in the closet for more pairs!
Oh boy, how things have changed!
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Why Houses Had to Drop the Importance of Legacy Status
It doesn’t seem fair, does it? Shouldn’t a legacy be automatically considered for sisterhood and receive a bid? Well, no. If you are wondering at this point if you truly are a legacy, check out What Is A Sorority Legacy.
Here’s why a house may cut a legacy:
1. Greek life has escalated in popularity in the past thirty years. A chapter could fill a pledge class (maybe 2 or 3!) just with legacies. That leaves little room for other PNMs who may be a better fit in the chapter.
NOTE: This is the primary reason legacies are cut! There is just not room for all legacies in a chapter.
2. A legacy may not always fit in with current sisterhood in a chapter. That is brutal to digest, I know. But it is the truth.
3. The legacy is a grades risk to the chapter or she has issues. (By issues, I mean she broke Panhellenic rush rules, posted a vile video, etc.)

Photo Credit: Town & Country Magazine
Why Sororities Cut Legacies: Two examples
Chandler is a PNM and a legacy to Alpha Sigma Alpha. AΣA is known for it’s high GPA status. Chandler struggled in high school, and has a 2.7 GPA. She only needed a 2.5 to participate in recruitment per Panhellenic, however the chapter routinely takes girls above the threshold of 3.8. Chandler could be considered a grades risk in this house, even though she cleared Panhellenic’s university standards.
Emily is a very sweet and on the quiet side. As a PNM, she has her heart set on being a Beta Nu, just like her mama and sister. She’s even rushing at the university they attended! However, Beta Nu is known for attracting high energy, outgoing girls who are super involved on campus. While Emily’s resume is chock full of clubs and she has a soaring GPA, her personality doens’t quite match the tone of the sisterhood at Beta Nu.
Now, would Chandler be happy in a house that was constantly placing her on grades probation? Would she want the pressure of knowing her collegiate GPA could bring the house’s average down?
And, would Emily not be more fulfilled in a house with more like minded girls?
Don’t get me wrong. Houses strive to find diversity in their pledge classes!
But, if you peel away the legacy status for a moment, would the PNM be able to stand on her as a viable potential new sister?
If a house was forced to give a bid to a PNM based solely on her legacy status, not only may that not be fair to the chapter, it isn’t fair to the legacy, either.
In essence, there are just too many legacies going through rush and chapters have to drop girls….legacy or otherwise.

Photo credit: Ball State University
Sorority life is meant to enrich a young woman’s personal growth and collegiate experience. Houses want girls who want to be there, and who will compliment the new pledge class. This lends to a happy, fulfilling experience for the new sister.
I always talk about maximizing your options before you even arrive for rush. Organization is key to maximizing options! See how Cee Cee packed for rush (yep, the real outfits she wore AND our packing system) in How To Pack For Sorority Recruitment !
Advice for Mamas
1. Have a realistic understanding that your daughter may not be wearing your letters on bid day.
2. Re-read #1
3. Have conversations with your daughter about your overall Greek experience rather than how great is was (and is!) to be a Lambda Delta.
4. Help your daughter secure recs for ALL the houses on the row!
5. Have a come to Jesus moment with yourself: this is your daughter’s choice, not yours.
Advice for Legacy PNMs
1. Secure recs for your legacy house – at least 3 in addition to your mama’s
2. Get at least 2 recs for EACH house on the row
3. Keep your mind and heart open – this is YOUR choice, YOUR letters
4. Focus on your feelings, not your legacy status
5. Relax! Enjoy recruitment. You will find your letters!
At the end of the week, the letters you were are the house you were meant to be in regardless of legacy status. Wear them with pride & enjoy your new sisters!
If you have questions, send me an email here!
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