Hey there! It’s my Weigh-In Wednesday: Week 9 of My Weight Loss Journey. At the end of this post, I’ll tell ya how much weight I lost this week!How was your 4th of July yesterday? We made Pulled Pork, gallons (literally!) of Potato Salad,and Mac & Cheese . My friend had a spread of fabulous appetizers AND sent us home with apple pie at the end of the evening. The recipes I share with you here on Totally Tailgates are recipes that we routinely enjoy!
Which is precisely why I embarked on My 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge in the first place.
I want to eat the delicious, real foods my family enjoys while learning to balance portion servings and integrating daily exercise. My goal is to loose weight in a way that I know is healthy and sustainable for the long haul.
Dining out always presents angst (and sometimes heartburn!) for dieters. However, at restaurants I try to make the best choice possible. Like these Key West Shrimp with Fried Plantains we enjoyed on July 3:
See that crisp, cool Char in the background? Yep, that’s mine, too! So you see, I’m clearly not depriving myself! However, I focused on enjoying the low-fat shrimp, avocado & lettuce rather than the friend plantains.
Hydration is so important for me, especially living in Florida. It’s hot down here, friends, and I’m drinking TONS of fresh water! By the way, here are the water bottles
our whole family is using this summer. We like them because the base is narrow, and easily slides into the cup holders in all of our vehicles. Bonus!
I exercised each and every day just to balance out July 4- my ultimate cheat day would of course be the day before my weigh-in! (Insert frustrated/eye roll emoji right here!) Last Friday, I got up to over 12K steps!
This week, when I got on my scale, I lost .25 pounds….hey, I almost made it to half a pound! But, did you see everything I ate yesterday!?! I’m very happy with my weigh-in today!
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