Tent Talk: What Is It? How Do I Handle It?
It happens. It is one of those things that no one really warns you about before rush. It can make or break your recruitment experience, and most girls are not even aware of this critical fact.
In a nutshell, Tent Talk is GOSSIP.
If a PNM (potential new member) is engaging in tent talk, it means she is discussing a house. She may be gossiping about preconceived notions, impressions, or rumors about a house or the sisters. Tent talk happens among other PNMs before and during rush.
Tent talk is to be avoided at all cost. If not, it could cost you a bid.

Photo credit: Blog.al.com / Tuscaloosa News/Alabama Panhellenic Association
Why is it called Tent Talk?!?!
The term was coined some thirty years ago during sorority recruitment at SEC universities. Back in the day, universities would erect tents lining sorority row so PNMs could have a place to gather in between parties. The tents provided respite from the heat, scorching sun, and even rain.
Today, the practicality of tents has seen a resurgence, and colleges and houses are once again providing shade and coverings for PNMs. They are a little more modern and cover larger areas now to coincide with the large numbers of women entering recruitment.
But here’s the deal: if you attend a smaller college with a smaller recruitment scenario, you may not see tents lining the streets. Guess what? Tent talk STILL happens and the term is applied regardless of whether or not tents are present.
Tent talk can happen in the dorms as you are getting ready for your party rounds.
Tent talk can happen when you are waiting outside of a house with your Gamma Chi groups.
The Tent Talker will self identify pretty quickly; she always wants an audience who can validate her as the expert on sorority rush.
Here are a few examples:
PNM Tent Talker: “Just wow. I heard this house is solid bottom tier even though they think they are Old Row.”
PNM Tent Talker: “Did you hear about the Delta Sig sister who posted the half-naked snap chat pics?”
PNM Tent Talker: “My sister is a Chi Pi, and she told me that the Kappa Nu Phi house has drug dog searches ALL the time.” OR “Zeta Gamma only takes OOS girls from private schools.” OR “Beta Tau only takes instate girls from specific neighborhoods in certain towns.”
(OOS is an acronym that stands for Out Of State girls, meaning girls who are going through sorority recruitment at a university that is not in their home state. If you want a Pre-Rush Vocab brush up, you can check out our cheat sheet!)
Tent Talk should be taken with a grain of salt…..and NEVER partake in the conversation. Here’s why: you never know who around you is listening to the tent talk. Girls have literally blackballed themselves by joining in on the tent talk going on around them.

Photo credit: University of Alabama Panhellenic Association/Facebook and www.usnews.com
The damage from tent talk may never be seen by PNMs. That’s because they are not privy to the discussions that go on behind closed doors of the sorority houses. Let’s just say that the rumors could get back to the houses, and you do not want your name associated with the group of tent talkers.
Let’s say you meet a really fun girl in your Gamma Chi group from Atlanta. You are waiting together with your group in front of the Kappa Nu Phi house for a party round. Out of the blue, the Tent Talker begins to whisper about the supposed drug dog rumors associated with the house. Girls around you begin to nod in agreement and chime in that they too heard about the drug dog searches. Your new ATL friend quietly turns away and heads to the back of the group. You have heard the rumors, too, but you decide to keep that intel to yourself and keep ATL company. You join her and ask her about her super cute rush bag, clearly avoiding the topic of the Tent Talker.
Guess what? Your new ATL friend has a sister in the Kappa Nu Phi house. Rather than confront the Tent Talker and share the knowledge that ALL of the sorority houses have routine drug dog searches mandated by Campus Housing, she quietly left. So did you. BRAVO! You are learning the game.
Oh, and what if the Gamma Chi leader was also a Kappa Nu Phi? See how quickly many ears can acquire gossip? Tent Talk can get back to houses, and it becomes destructive faster than you can say party card!
What should you do?
Run your own race.
Ignore the tent talk and drama around you. Just smile politely and quietly ease away from the Tent Talker or turn away. Make sure any comment you make about a house is a POSITIVE comment. Remember what your mama always told you – if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all!
If you have opinions of a house, keep it to yourself!
Sometimes on tv we see athletes wearing earbuds before a big game or competition in an effort to drown out surrounding noise and opinions. It helps them focus on their game and their mental preparation.
PNMs should approach recruitment with this mental picture. There will be lots of noise, comments, drama and tears surrounding you each day of sorority rush. Keep your chin up, eyes ahead, and and big smile on your face!
Each time your Gamma Chi or other PNMs glance your way, they should see a happy, positive girl who is thrilled to go through each and every house. Avoid Tent Talk at all costs to maximize your options!
If you have questions or need recruitment help, leave a comment below. Have fun during Rush Week!
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