Sorority Recruitment and GPAs– what is the connection? How is my high school GPA evaluated by sororities during rush week? And, can I be cut from a house just because of my high school grades? We have answers!

So, your recs were turned in before May 1 and your Tory sandals are ready for the first round of parties and you figured out our system on how to pack for sorority recruitment! So why worry about your high school GPA?!?
You can maximize your options and manage expectations by knowing ahead of time which houses have the highest GPA standards. Most chapters post the GPA minimum on their chapter website or on the Panhellenic website. If you know a house sets a 3.2 minimum and you have a 3.4 GPA, you are most likely clear for that house, assuming you do not have issues. 🙂
*******Here’s where it can be confusing: Panhellenic’s GPA requirement MAY BE DIFFERENT than a house’s minimum requirement.******
That little know factor is why so many PNM’s are “shocked” with cuts after the first round!

When and why do sororities cut girls based on high school GPAs?
The deepest GPA cuts are typically done after the first round of parties. GPA cuts are a way for houses to let go of lots of PNMs all at once who do not fit the chapter’s academic criteria. While these cuts are massive and sometimes harsh, the houses do not have to waste time with PNM who could never receive a bid due to low grades. Conversely, it allows the PNM to focus onhouses where her grades are valued and accepted. - WHY:
If a house extends a bid to a PNM whose GPA is lower than the chapter average, that PNM could be a grades risks not only within her pledge class but for the chapter. This GPA rule of thumb even extends to legacies! Yep, even legs can get cut because of low GPAs!

The Bottom Line: Sorority Recruitment and GPAS
Scholarship is very important to sororities. Universities often rank a sorority chapter’s contribution back to the university solely based on GPA averages. Sisters are keenly aware of their GPA status even after initiation!
If a sister’s GPA falls below their initiated criteria, the sister can be placed on grades probation. This can include mandatory, monitored study hall sessions and/or social probation.
Manage Your Expectations Ahead of Time!
If you have your heart set on Lambda Chi Psi who is known to cut girls below a 3.25 and you have a 2.98, realize in advance you need to keep your options open.
Do your research! Universities will post average GPAs of initiated sisters. Look ’em up! How does your high school GPA compare? Remember, your high school GPA is their benchmark for evaluating you as a potential sister!

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