Do I need just 1 rec per house, like Panhellenic recommends? Or 5 recs if there’s a house I really want? Do I really need rec letters at all?
I have a formula for you so you will know how many recommendations you will need! This is the formula my daughter used during sorority recruitment. She rushed at a large SEC school where she knew not a single soul. She got her top house and her sorority sisters are now her life-long friends. A friend used my rec formula, too. Her daughter rushed at another SEC school that is known for its highly competitive sorority recruitment. Her daughter also got her top house, and one that rarely offers bids to OOS (out of state) potential new members!

Knowing the Rec Number Formula Is Part of Your Overall Sorority Recruitment Strategy!
There are lots of myths surrounding how many recommendation letters a PNM needs when going through recruitment.
First things first.
A sorority recommendation letter , or a “rec”, is actually a form an alumnae submits to the chapter where you are rushing. It is essentially an endorsement for sisterhood. The alumna is putting her name on the line to recommend you to her sorority! NOTE: PNMs (potential new members) never send recs on their own behalf. Recs can only be submitted by sorority alumnae who are in good standing.
Do I Need a Recommendation?
Run over to Sorority Recommendations: The Do’s and Dont’s and I will tell you all about it.
Even if you are a legacy to a sorority house, you need our rec formula! Don’t think so? Check out Why Sororities Cut Legacies.

Many times, the sisters in the house will pick which sister will greet you during Party Rounds just based off your recs! Example: My daughter listed her crew team participation on her Social Resume. During one of the rounds at the Delta Gamma house, the Rush Chair selected a sister who had also been on a crew team in high school to greet her at that round! Knowing a few girls in a house will not be enough to secure your bid. Trust me. Or don’t! In that case, you can check out What to Do if You Don’t Receive a Bid.
Should I Get Lots of Recs for 1 House If That Is
The House I Want?
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