This Hissy Fit Dip Recipe is a TOUCHDOWN. It is a huge hit at parties- no one can resist this dip!
If you have spent any time at all on Pinterest, you’ve seen Hissy Fit Dip Recipe pins. What IS this dip? What is with the name?!?
I’ve been making variations of sausage & Velveeta dips for years, yet this new moniker on an old favorite piqued my interest. The blend of spices is key to this dip…..there are other recipes out there calling for fewer spices, but after several batches my friends & family hands down like this version adapted from TGIF the best!
What the heck is a hissy fit?
We Southerners have to step up and own this one, as it is a regional slang term that perhaps originated from “hysterical fit”.
It typically describes an outburst or temper tantrum when someone does not get his or her way.
Hissy fits are usually short lived.
They can be conducted by the two year old who does not get a souvenir on the way out of a theme park OR by a 25 year old woman whose favorite Tory thongs are sold out in her size.
One of my favorite Southern authors, Mary Kay Andrews, wrote Hissy Fit: A Novel that is just divine. Oh, I digress…….but you get the picture….hissy fits are part of our lore.
My Personal Hissy Fit Story
First, I cannot believe I am sharing this story with you! It is certainly not my proudest moment, but I think it will help you understand why this dip & I connect on many levels! 🙂
Here’s the deal: I used to throw hissy fits when I was a little girl. Major shocker, right?!?!
Typically, my hissy fits were in public where I could make the most of my dramatic display. My poor mother!
My classic hissy fit occurred at the old Pizitz store in Parkway City Mall in Huntsville, AL.

The original Parkway City Mall in Huntsville, AL. Photo credit: Pinterest
I refused to hold my mother’s hand while we were going down the big escalator….I was a big girl (maybe 4?) and promptly threw a hissy fit.
As a classic strong willed child, I wanted to go down the escalator my way. My mother gripped my hand for the duration of the hissy fit. By this time, I was really worked up and my tiny hands were sweaty and slick.
The more people starred, the more I hollered. I wanted to give ‘em a bang for their buck!
Now, the escalator is positioned in the VERY center of the store, so EVERYONE heard my tantrum. (I’m wincing as I write this, by the way!)
Realizing I was NOT getting my way, I quieted down. We were half way down to the first floor, and I’m sure my sweet mother was breathing a sigh of relief that my hissy fit was short lived.
My mother rewarded my mature composure and the ceasing of the hissy fit by relaxing her hand on mine.
That’s when I made my move……
My sweaty little hand slipped out of hers easily and I took off down the stairs, laughing and squealing the whole time. I’d gotten my way!
(Critical piece to the story: back then, I had a little tummy on me.)
As I reached the end of the escalator stairs on the first floor, I tripped and fell flat on my tummy. My shirt rode up on my tummy, leaving it exposed.
Loud sobs echoed through the store as the escalator stairs pinched the skin on my tummy at the point where the metal stairs disappear into the metal floor of the escalator system.

Pizitz Department Store at Parkway City Mall in Huntsville, AL as it looked in the 1970’s. As you walked into the store from this vantage point, the escalators were very visible and directly ahead. Photo credit:
I was paralyzed with grief, fear and remorse.
With no immediate recourse nor the ability to help myself, I did the only thing I could do….I hollered some more.
I just layed there screaming as each stair tried to take a bit of my tummy into the floor.
Now mind you, I was not really getting hurt. Yes, the stairs pinched my tummy but I was more scared than hurt.
The shoppers probably thought I was dying. I thought I was being eaten by the escalator!
My mother called a manager who had to stop the escalator so I would get up. 🙄
Now, hyperventilation became a side-set of my hissy fits….naturally. Oh, the drama!
I got up and looked down at my tummy. It was not too bad. No blood.
It was fine.
The hyperventilation & tears dried up quickly.
My mother hugged me and carried me out of that store faster than you can say “where’s the closest Piggly Wiggly”.
I’m sure I gave her lots of gray hairs as a results of my hissy fits.
Today, the Pizitz is now a Dillard’s and the same escalators are still there…..a permanent reminder of one of my hissy fits!
How To Make Hissy Fit Dip Recipe:
Tailgating Tips
- Make sure your cream cheese is at room temperature; it makes mixing the ingredients a cinch.
- Keep an eye on your masterpiece so it doesn’t overcook. Some Hissy Fit dips state baking time for an hour. I found this lent to a brown, over cooked dip.
- If you take it to your tailgate, keep it covered with tin foil in a cooler until you arrive at the tailgate. Then, place your covered baking dish on a grill until heated.
Don’t Have a Hissy Fit – Shop the Tailgate!
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Hissy Fit Dip Recipe
- 1 pound pork sausage
- 8 ounces cream cheese room temperature
- 16 ounces sour cream
- 2 cups Velveeta processed cheese cut into small cubes
- 1 cup Colby Jack cheese shredded
- 1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
- 1 tsp Onion powder
- 1/2 tsp sage powder
- 1/4 tsp curry powder
- 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1/2 cup green onions sliced thin
- dash garlic powder
- Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 8x8 casserole dish with nonstick spray. Cook sausage according to package directions; crumble fine and drain on paper towels. Set aside.
- In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients except green onions & sausages. Blend thoroughly. Fold in sausage and green onions. Put mixture in prepared baking dish and bake for approximately 35-45 minutes. Serve with chips, crackers or vegetables.
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