In the past seven days, we covered 2,349 miles and five states. Whew!
Throw in that mix an amazing blogger conference ,and a fabulous time with our daughter, moving her to college (bring on the tissues!), and great visits with family.
Have you ever felt like you needed a vacation after your vacation?
That’s us. Right. Now.
And amazingly I’m already looking forward to Parent’s Weekend at the University of Kentucky!
One week ago today, Copa meet us at the Hilton Doubletree Marietta with her truck.
Seriously, we unloaded HER ENTIRE DORM into our hotel room after the conference. Sometimes you do what you’ve gotta do. This year she took her truck to college, hence the need to tag team the drop off with two vehicles. (If you want tips about students taking cars to college, you can read about it here.)
Yep, Birthday Yoda made the trip to college!
My girl was really organized and prepped well for the move, so everything went smoothly.
I am in the process of getting an article together to show you how we packed for her college move-in day. Do you have tips or great stories about moving your child into college? I’d love to hear all about it – leave me a comment below!
After move in, we ran over to my dad’s house in Huntsville, Alabama. While I was in town, I had to stock up on Gibson’s famous white bar-b-que sauce since it is not sold in my area of Florida.
Growing up, our family’s first house in Huntsville was located in the neighborhood right behind the Gibson’s on Memorial Parkway. The delicious smells of fire roasted meats carried over the pine trees in into my backyard. I was a white sauce addict at a very young age!
Once I got home last night, a friend mentioned that you can actually get this online! OMGosh. Game changer. Big Bob Gibson Original White Sauce, 16 oz. can be on my (and your!) doorstep any time you want. This creamy sauce was made to be brushed on freshly grilled chicken. IT is
After Huntsville, we visited family in Jacksonville, AL in Calhoun County. We stopped by a farm to see the cows – the new bull is looking good! Talk about locally sourced food…
He’s SO cute.
Anyway, that is my Flashback Friday for today. A lot happened in our family in the past week, and we feel so blessed.
Have a good weekend!
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