Copa and me at a Cincinnati Reds game in August 2015. My daughter and I gave him the tickets for Father’s Day in June of that year. The last time he attended a Reds game was with his father and grandfather in 1975. When the three of us went in August, it was raining and really cold for this Floridian crew. We had a BLAST! Go Big Red Machine! PS: Yes, I tried to rock the whole “tourist rain poncho thing” that we typically see at the Orlando theme parks. Guess what? It worked. Might have looked tacky, but it worked.
Hey y’all! This is my first in a series of weekly posts appropriately called…Flashback Fridays! It’s sort of like a TBT on Facebook. Except it’s housed here….at Totally Tailgates!
There is a saying by Joel Osteen that I absolutely love….and I’m paraphrasing here, so bear with me….
“God wants you to move forward, not back. He wants you to look for what’s in store for you ahead, not what you left behind you. It’s like a rear-view mirror in your car. Have you ever wondered why your windshield is so much bigger than a rear-view mirror? Because God wants you to see where you are going, not where you have been.”
Totally Tailgates, this humble little spot of the internet, is my windshield. My passion. It’s what I love doing in my spare time as I move forward in this next phase of my life called “empty nesting”.
Flashback Friday will be my rear-view mirror for you…. it’s a glimpse of where I have been.
But, like a rear view mirror, Flashback Fridays will be a small, snapshot component of Totally Tailgates. Because the real meat of Totally Tailgates is up ahead. Game on!
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