What an amazing conference! I promised to tell you all about it when I returned, and there is so much to share I hardly know where to being….but let’s start here!
Remember a few days ago on my Flashback Friday when I told you I was going back to Georgia? Well, it was WONDERFUL! Here’s why…..
This was my very first blogger conference.
I was the newbie in the room. So new, in fact, that I failed to realize how handy business cards might be at a conference like Blog Life University. 🙂 (Note to self: get cards!)
So, that first day, I entered the room not knowing what a “good” blogger conference is supposed to entail. Well, thank heavens THIS was my first exposure to the world of blogging conferences. Melissa over at Serendipity and Spice organized Blog Life University 2016 and booked the best bloggers in the business at the Hilton Doubletree in Marietta, GA.
My picture of the Speaker Panel didn’t turn out as well I as I had hoped, so let me give you a full caption L-R: Holly Homer from Kids Activities Blog, Kelley Wilson from Miss Information, Liz Latham from Hoosier Homemade, Rachel Miller from One Crazy House, Tiffany Dahle from Peanut Blossom…and here is where my camera angle failed me….overlapping in my line of sight were Jenny Melrose from The Melrose Family, Your Modern Family‘s Becky Mansfield, and Kita Roberts from Girl Carnivore , and Carissa Rogers, Director of Influencer Relations at Acorn Influence. Jordyn Coffin from Almost Supermom spoke as well but was not in this particular photo. At the microphone as emcee (and our fearless leader!) was Blog Life U‘s Melissa Llado.
The men and women attending the conference hailed from all sides of the blogging arena; some were new like me, and some were seasoned bloggers. All we were all there to help each other.
My two takeaways from Blog Life University’s 2016 Conference:
1. Candid Speakers: Each speaker was clearly an expert in their subject area and provided transparent, real information about their own personal experiences. No one held back details! Furthermore. each provided actionable steps for bloggers of all levels to take back home.
2. Relationships: Blog Life University is a boutique size conference…you can have meaningful conversations with fellow attendees in a relaxed yet professional atmosphere. Everyone was SO NICE. Even a newbie like me who did not know a single soul when I walked into the ballroom felt comfortable and welcome. I met amazing, supportive new friends and enjoyed the on-site (and post conference!) collaboration.
Oh my stars….my hands were so tired from typing copious notes by the end of the conference! The sessions offered all attendees variety and lots of great details. And, several speakers had their PowerPoints available for us to download.
We had great breaks in between sessions!
Food……the Hilton Doubletree’s Southern BBQ Buffet was so delicious….
And then…..WINE! 🙂
Chateau Elan sponsored a wine tasting. My favorite was the Muscadry Rose….#RoseAllDay 🙂
Of course, you need a little something sweet at the end of a busy conference day! Blog Life University’s Platinum Sponsor, Dixie Crystals, took real good care of us!
On Friday night, to end the conference, Dixie Crystals hosted a Sugar Scrub Party for us with lots of sweet treats, fun music, and of course….sugar scrub recipes!
As the Dixie Crystals party kicked off, the Grand Prize Winner of the Dixie Crystals “Sweet ‘n Southern Desserts Recipe Contest” was announced.
Congratulations to Grand Prize Winner Gywnn Galvin from Swirls of Flavor with her Bourbon Peach Cheesecake Mousse in a Jar!
And yes, yours truly is humbly in the line up, second from the right. My friend Marsha (to my left) from MJonesStyle, won 2nd Runner Up with her Old Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler! To Marsha’s left is Melissa, and to Melissa’s left is Gwynn. Our Dixie Crystals friends bookend our group.
My Bourbon Buttermilk Tassies were 1st Runner Up!
Blog Life University’s 2016 conference a.k.a. #BLU16 was incredible! I am certainly planning to attend next year, and you should, too! You can find more details about Blog Life University here.
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