Hey y’all, I’m starting a new weight loss challenge TODAY!
No, I didn’t start on January 1 even though my New-Year’s- Resolution-over-achieving-self really, really want to start ASAP. I even put new batteries in my scale!
But, due to my hysterectomy on December 5, I had to wait until until my doctor cleared me from her care and allowed me to begin exercising before starting my plan. Last Thursday, I got the A-ok!
A few of my friends are also feeling the need to reign in the calories and start exercising. So, we are doing a little challenge to see who can lose the highest percentage of weight in one month!
Our first weigh in together is today – our last weigh in will be March 4. We have a set of rules and everything! This is going to be such a fun challenge! The competition is a motivator, that’s for sure!
Each Monday in February, I will be checking in with you right here to share my weight loss journey. I’l let you know everything….what I’m eating, my exercise plan, etc. ! Follow me on my Insta stories if you want daily updates!
Click here to jump to my Monday Motivations: Hustle to the Muscle Game Plan!
Why Am I Trying to Lose Weight?
- I gained weight back that I had previously lost due to chemotherapy
- Even though I had a hysterectomy, adipose tissue (fatty tissue) in women can still produce estrogen. My cancer is hormone driven. Even small amounts of hormones are bad for me.
- I need to loose fat and gain muscle to protect my body from estrogen.

cancer was a Stage 3 and I would require chemo. I still smiled…..God had me in the palm of His hand! Staying trim was not my priority – staying alive was.
How I Lost Weight Before and Why I Gained It Back During Chemotherapy
Summer before last I did a very public weight loss challenge for 12 weeks. You might remember that in Week One I lost 4 pounds! I chronicled my journey on this blog, shared with you what I typically ate each day, and even took you with me on my summer vacation while staying on my health plan!
I was in the best shape I’d been in for years……

Then, a little thing called cancer entered my life. You can read about that right here. The first 8 weeks of AC chemo changed me forever. AC is the strongest chemo available. A human can have six does in his or her life; after six doses your heart stops.
I had four doses.
AC chemo permanently took some of my hearing and my vision. It temporarily took my short term memory, my hair AND about 15 pounds off my body.
After 8 weeks of AC chemo, I moved on to 12 weeks of Taxol chemo. Taxol is a kinder, chemo medicine. However, because of specific reactions to the drug, intravenous steroids are given prior to the weekly chemo.

Aren’t all Stage 3 cancer patients really, really thin?!?
My appetite returned with a vengeance (I ate baskets of fried shrimp) and the steroids caused me to puff up! My last dose of Taxol was August 9. On that day when I rang the End of Treatment bell, I had officially outgrown my stretch yoga pants.
What’s a girl to do?
My oncologist said I did not need to cut back on calories OR exercise fervently (like that was even an option the way I felt!) until after radiation.
My body needed to focused on killing cancer cells and healing from the chemo and radiation. It didn’t need to focus on weight loss.
Radiation ended October 9.
Radiation devastated my body. I would take a bag into work each day with gauze bandages and two different ointments that had to be applied every 4 hours on the raw tissue.
Radiation was Monday-Friday for 5 1/2 weeks. My commute entails driving 400 miles a week (it is 40 miles from my house to my company- 80 miles roundtrip). Top that with an aggressive radiation plan and lets just say I was exhausted until late November. I’m not complaining at all – just letting you know that exercise was the last thing on my mind!
Because my cancer is hormone positive I had a hysterectomy on December 5.
So now here I am. I’m heavier and really, really out of shape. Months of laying in bed took a toll on my muscle mass. I am starting from scratch, friends!
This morning, I was officially weighed in and the challenge is ON!
(It is worth noting that last night was the Super Bowl, and I ate my fair share of Hot Taco Dip!)
Sideline Tip: Heather is not a doctor. Advice, personal anecdotes and opinions are not to be construed as medical advice. Consult a medical professional before starting a weight loss plan.
PS: I had breast cancer. Emphasis on HAD. Waaaaay too many women have this. If you want to know how to help a friend or relative with this cancer, check out Breast Cancer and Mastectomy Gift Care Package Ideas.
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