Today officially marks Day 1 of My 12 Week Weight loss Challenge, and I am so excited! I’m sharing it all with you – the ups, the downs, the holidays, and the family vacays. I’ll tell you my plan AND my weekly (daily!) progress!

My 12 Week Weight loss Challenge
Here’s the deal:
1. Each Wednesday I will write a Weigh In Wednesday post to tell you know my progress week to week.
2. Everyday, check out my Instagram Stories for pics and videos of my daily meals, milestones, or even a cute doggie I see while out on a run!
3. My challenge runs May 8-July 26, and my goal is to lose 20 pounds.
BTW, if you are judging me because I don’t have a fresh pedi in the pic above…….1) I don’t care AND 2) It’s called real life
Why Am I Doing My 12 Week Weight loss Challenge?
Tailgating season officially kickoffs on Labor Day weekend. In some ways, I’m really ready. In others, not so much. I’m tired of my favorite tailgating outfits feeling tight. I’m tired of shying away from photos because I am not happy about the 20+ pounds I have gained. And, I’m tired of depriving myself from my favorite tailgate foods. Brutal reality check: I need to lose weight. Like, now.
Weight loss is a very personal, private journey. Once the pounds are shed however, everyone wants to know how you did it and your weight loss narrative suddenly becomes very public. I knew that at some point, my story would be out in the open, so why not put it out there from the beginning? I might just encourage someone else to join me in re-evaluating their relationship with food and exercise.
Join me this summer on my 12 week journey! That’s right – if you check my Instagram Story each day you’ll see what I eat on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and the Fourth of July! And, visit me right here on the blog each Wednesday through July 26. I’ll be sharing pounds lost each week, and two or three screen shots of my food logs. Of course, daily I will be sharing deets on Instagram stories!
You’ll see my ups and downs this summer, glimpses into how I cope on summer vacations, food blogging sampling, AND on the 4th of July! 🙂 It’s called real life.
Trust me, I was tempted to lose the weight quietly on my own rather than sharing with you a weekly journey. It would be SO much more private to post then & now pics once the weight is lost.
I have a feeling you and I are a lot alike. You see, my life is busy. I work outside the home. I work inside the home: cooking, caring for pets, etc. I have a commute, volunteer responsibilities and this little blog.
It’s so easy for me to use my hectic lifestyle as an excuse for not getting serious about losing weight and taking better care of myself. One would think that since I am always on the go, I would be trim and healthy. Actually, the opposite is true. Somewhere along the way, self-care has fallen by the wayside.
I became a stay at home mom at age 24, and my family was my focus in this capacity for almost fourteen years. I was in the best shape of my life during this time. Even though I was busy with carpools, PTA (hey, I was even President at one point! Talk about a full time job….. ) and volunteer obligations, I still managed to carve out time for self-care. I was healthy….. and it showed in my skin, hair, my clothes and in my smile.
I made the decision to go back to work when Cee Cee was in high school, and the pounds started piling up faster than I realized. I started food blogging recently, and lets just say that sampling my tailgate recipes is one of my favorite parts of the job!
I’ve lots tons of weight before, and I’m ready to do it again!
You see, when I was pregnant in my mid-twenties, I gained over 70lbs.
I’ll pause here, so you can let that soak in a minute.
When I became pregnant, I was under 110 – fit and healthy. I have a small frame, so my weight was in accordance to my size.
My last weigh-in before giving birth (the week before) boasted a 182 reading. I was floored, but incredibly happy and my baby girl was perfect. I knew the weight would melt off, and a year later I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight.
My last weigh-in before giving birth (the week before) boasted a 182 reading. I was floored, but incredibly happy and my baby girl was perfect. I knew the weight would melt off, and a year later I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight.
I’ve done this before, and I’ll do it again -watch me! So, here we are with My 12 Week Weight loss Challenge!

At the end of the 12 weeks, I will happily show you before and after photos. I thought about showing one to you now, so you can visually gauge my starting place. But honestly, I don’t want to look at that picture every week. I want to focus on the mental picture I have in my head of where I will be in 12 weeks instead.
As Joel Osteen says, “Think about your car for a moment. Your front wind shield is larger than your rear view mirror for a reason. Where you are going is more important than where you have been.”
Check back here on the blog Wednesday and I’ll share with you the plan I selected, and how my first two days are going!
Remember to check my Instagram story each day for real life, real time updates!
Remember to check my Instagram story each day for real life, real time updates!
Game On!
P.S. I’m a tailgater, not a medical professional! So, get your game on and check with your doctor before starting this or any other weight loss program or suggestion. 😉
My Early Mother’s Day Gift is helping me stay on track:

I’m in Heather! I’ll join you! I loved your story and am right there with you. Except that my baby is 10 and I am still carrying the baby weight! At 46 it’s hard enough. But add in caring for everyone else and working and whatever else, it can feel damn near impossible! I just signed up for weight watchers and I am feeling empowered, if anything. That I am taking control. Taking care of our bodies isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity and making it number one on you “Must Do” list is necessary if we want to be happier in our not only our own skin, but our lives in general. It’s about being healthy and proud and energetic and confident and all that comes with it. The sky’s the limit. Good luck. I’m right here cheering you and all your readers on!
Yay – let’s do this, Lisa! Weight Watchers is such a good program. I’m super excited to see what the summer holds for us. You are right – the sky’s the limit! Big hugs, Heather